Important information for guests 2023

As a result of the changes we made during the Covid crisis, we have now decided to run our guest house a little differently. If you decide to come to stay with us, you are agreeing to follow these guidelines, so please read this document thoroughly before entering our guest house.
Although the government has relaxed the need for restrictions, we have taken the decision to continue with our own safety measures for the time being, in case our guests are vulnerable in some way.
As we are now living in a very different world to the one that we once knew, we all must adopt new behaviours to protect ourselves and each other. We have set out here the changes that we have made to our business and also your responsibilities in protecting yourselves and everyone around you.
What you can expect from us:
- We will only be entering guest bedrooms to carry out a ‘light touch’ service each day during your stay. We will replace dirty cups, saucers and spoons, replenish the drinks tray, put in more toilet roll and tissues, if needed, and provide fresh towels and bathmats if these are left in the shower. We will also hoover the room if it is needed. In all of the en suite shower rooms there will be a cleaning spray and a cloth and we request that showers are dried down and windows are opened after the showers have been used. If there is no window, please open the shower room door and leave on the light/vent for a while.This is to avoid the growth of mildew in the en suites.
- As it has now been proved that air born transmission, not surface transmission, is the main concern, we are using the Safe2Stay Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacterial Fogging System between stays if we know that occupants have, during or after their stay, tested positive for any strain of Corona virus or developed symptoms for any other transmissible infection. We leave windows and room doors open during all cleaning regimes.
- All our detergents and cleaning products are from trusted suppliers.
- We will continue to keep a social distance from our guests when appropriate and possible.
- We will provide a no-touch hand sanitising gel dispenser in Reception, on the wall to the left of the desk. Sanitising gel is also provided in the Dining Room.
- We are available 24 hours a day. We live on-site and in case of any emergencies, you can contact us anytime by ringing the doorbell or by telephoning or texting us. Home ‘phone is 01736360798, Mobile is 07949118218 and is also on WhatsApp.
- All food is prepared in our on-site kitchen and only by ourselves. We do not have any people coming into our kitchen from outside of our business. All food suppliers will also adhere to our strict hygiene regulations to reduce the risk of contamination
- A tea/coffee tray is provided in each guest room and cleaned appropriately. Please let us know before you arrive exactly what you would like on your tray in terms of tea, coffee, sugar etc. We will do our best to fulfil your request. Small bottles of fresh milk are kept in the fridge in Reception.
- Breakfast will be served in the dining room at staggered times. Breakfast orders will be taken in advance so that food is ready for you when you arrive in the dining room.
- In line with other measures that we are taking to help protect the environment, we are trying to reduce the amount of washing that we do and thereby the amount of fibre that is put into the water system. So, we would ask you to keep the same napkin at breakfast and re-use your towels and bathmat once, twice or even three times, depending on personal preference.
- Check-in/Check-out will be done with social distancing in mind. Your card can be used in person or charged remotely, and an invoice can be provided on request and sent electronically.
- Room keys will be left in door locks prior to arrival and we ask that you leave them in the same place on departure. There is a blue fob front door key on the keyring and, as we have a security front door that locks itself when you close it, you will always need to take the keys with you when you leave the building. Please do not lock the door with the key or pull up the handle when you come in.
- You are welcome to use the garden door on the ground floor if you want to avoid contact with other guests. Turn the knob to the left to open it and then leave it open. We will lock it at the end of the day.
- Although no longer compulsory, guests may choose to wear face coverings in public areas, except when eating or drinking.
What we expect from you:
- We request that you respect the personal space of other guests when in public areas and continue to respect the concerns of our guests and people in the wider community in Cornwall. Please make use of a face covering if appropriate.
- If you are experiencing Coronavirus symptoms, the government advice is that you do not travel from home.
- If you or anyone in your party is showing any symptoms of the Coronavirus (repetitive cough, fever, unusual tiredness, sore throat, loss of taste/smell, difficulty in breathing, etc) whilst at our guest house, we would ask you or someone in your party to notify us immediately by contacting us by the methods described above, remain isolated in your room to minimise any risk of transmission and await instructions.
- If you are confirmed to have a Coronavirus, you should return home if you reasonably can. If a guest cannot reasonably return home (for example because they are not well enough to travel or do not have the means to arrange transport), their circumstances should be discussed with an appropriate health care professional and, if necessary, the local authority. Should guests have to remain at our guest house, they will be liable to pay for all affected bookings as a result of their extended stay. (That covers other cancellations where other guests leave because of the presence of infection on-site)
- If you do find that you have to leave earlier than expected, then you will not be entitled to a refund from us, as a deep clean of the guest house will be required. In fact, it is strongly advised that you obtain travel insurance in advance of your stay to cover any such contingencies.
- Any guests or visitors that we deem as not acting in a responsible manner, with regards to preventing the spread of infection, will be asked to leave the premises immediately.
Thank you for your co-operation,
Lynda and Rob